0. dfs & bfs 概述
- dfs: 执着, 不撞南墙不回头。思路比较奇怪的用dfs。首先考虑挖深的顺序/递归拓延点。
- bfs: 稳重, 层层推进。最小、最短等用bfs。
名称 | 方式 | 特色 | DS | space | time | notice |
dfs | 先挖深再回溯后扩展 | 递归性,有回溯 | 栈 | O(h) | ? | 回溯时恢复现场 |
bfs | 先全扩展再挖深1层 | 层次,最短路性质 | 队列 | O(w) | ? |
1. dfs
path 路径变量
n = int(input())
unused = [True] * n
path = [0] * n
def dfs(u):
if u == n: print(' '.join(path))
for i in range(n):
if unused[i]:
path[u] = str(i + 1)
unused[i] = False
dfs(u + 1)
unused[i] = True
843. n-皇后问题
技巧点:坐标(x, y), 对角线为 n + x - y, 反对角线为 x + y
方法1. 迭代每行,枚举该行点所在的列。检查列和正反对角线是否被占用,提前剪枝。
n = int(input())
dg, ndg, is_new_col, row = [True] * (n<<1) , [True] * (n<<1), [True] * n, [-1] * n
def dfs(x):
if x == n:
[print('.'*i + 'Q' + '.' * (n - i - 1)) for i in row] + [print('')]
for y in range(n):
if is_new_col[y] and dg[x + y] and ndg[n + x - y]:
row[x] = y
is_new_col[y] = dg[x + y] = ndg[n + x - y] = False
dfs(x + 1)
is_new_col[i] = dg[x + y] = ndg[n + x - y] = True
方法2. 枚举每一个格子是否可以放皇后。
python 实现会TLE.
n = int(input())
g = [['.'] * n for _ in range(n)]
dg, ndg = [True] * (n<<1) , [True] * (n<<1)
is_new_row, is_new_col = [True] * n, [True] * n
def dfs(x, y, cnt):
if y == n: y, x = 0, x + 1
if x == n:
if cnt == n:
[print(''.join(gi)) for gi in g] + [print('')]
dfs(x, y + 1, cnt)
if is_new_row[x] and is_new_col[y] and dg[x + y] and ndg[n + x - y]:
g[x][y] = 'Q'
is_new_row[x] = is_new_col[y] = dg[x + y] = ndg[n + x - y] = False
dfs(x + 1, 0, cnt + 1) # speed up
is_new_row[x] = is_new_col[y] = dg[x + y] = ndg[n + x - y] = True
g[x][y] = '.'
dfs(0, 0, 0)
2. bfs
bfs 模板
queue <- 初始点
while queue not empty:
- 当路径权值都为1时,bfs可以用于计算最短路
- DP 可以转化为特殊的最短路问题,无环图的最短路
- 输入超100万用scanf
n, m = map(int, input().split())
g = [list(map(int, input().split())) for _ in range(n)]
dx, dy = [-1, 0, 1, 0], [0, -1, 0, 1]
que = [(0, 0)]
st = set(que)
cnt = 0
while que:
cnt += 1
nq = []
for (a, b) in que:
for di, dj in zip(dx, dy):
na, nb = a + di, b + dj
if na < 0 or na >= n or nb < 0 or nb >= m or g[na][nb]:
if na + 1 == n and nb + 1 == m:
if (na, nb) not in st:
st.add((na, nb))
nq.append((na, nb))
que = nq
n, m = map(int, input().split())
g = [list(map(int, input().split())) for _ in range(n)]
d = [[0] * m for _ in range(n)]
prev = [[0] * m for _ in range(n)]
dx, dy = [-1, 0, 1, 0], [0, -1, 0, 1]
que = [(0, 0)]
hh = tt = 0
st = set(que)
cnt = 0
while hh <= tt:
a, b = que[hh]
hh += 1
for di, dj in zip(dx, dy):
na, nb = a + di, b + dj
if na < 0 or na >= n or nb < 0 or nb >= m or g[na][nb]:
# if na + 1 == n and nb + 1 == m:
# print(cnt)
# exit(0)
if (na, nb) not in st:
st.add((na, nb))
que.append((na, nb))
d[na][nb] = d[a][b] + 1
prev[na][nb] = (a, b)
tt += 1
print(d[n - 1][m - 1])
# x, y = n - 1, m - 1
# while x or y:
# print((x, y))
# x, y = prev[x][y]
3. 树、图存储
- 邻接矩阵: O(n^2), 位图表示每条边
- 邻接表: O(E), 每个结点对应一个链表,常用压缩静态链+头插法实现
int h[N], e[M], ne[M], idx;
void add(a, b)
e[idx] = b;
ne[idx] = h[a];
h[a] = idx ++;
n = int(input())
N = n * 2 + 10
h, e, ne, idx = [-1] * (n + 1), [0] * N, [0] * N, 0
unvisited = [True] * N
ans = float('inf')
def add(a, b):
global idx
ne[idx], e[idx] = h[a], b
h[a] = idx
idx += 1
def dfs(u):
global ans
max_v = 0
unvisited[u] = False
chd_sum = 0
i = h[u]
while i != -1:
j = e[i]
if unvisited[j]:
chd_cnt = dfs(j)
max_v = max(max_v, chd_cnt)
chd_sum += chd_cnt
i = ne[i]
max_v = max(max_v, n - 1 - chd_sum)
ans = min(ans, max_v)
return chd_sum + 1
for i in range(n - 1):
a, b = map(int, input().split())
add(a, b)
add(b, a)
4. 拓扑序列
que <- 所有入度为0的点
while que not empty:
t <- 队头
枚举t的所有出边 t->j, d[j] --
if d[j] == 0:
n, m = map(int, input().split())
h, e, ne, idx = [-1] * (n + 1), [0] * (m + 1), [0] * (m + 1), 0
que = []
d = [0] * (n + 1)
def add(a, b):
global idx
ne[idx], e[idx] = h[a], b
h[a] = idx
idx += 1
def topsort():
hh = tt = 0
for i in range(1, n + 1):
if d[i] == 0:
tt += 1
while hh < tt:
t = que[hh]
hh += 1
i = h[t]
while i != -1:
j = e[i]
d[j] -= 1
if d[j] == 0:
tt += 1
i = ne[i]
if tt == n: return ' '.join(str(i) for i in que)
else: return -1
for _ in range(m):
a, b = map(int, input().split())
add(a, b)
d[b] += 1