class NFA:
def __init__(self, states, alphabet, transitions, start, accepts):
self.states = states
self.alphabet = alphabet
self.transitions = transitions
self.start = start
self.accepts = accepts
def epsilon_closure(nfa, states):
closure = set(states)
stack = list(states)
while stack:
state = stack.pop()
if 'epsilon' in nfa.transitions[state]:
for epsilon_state in nfa.transitions[state]['epsilon']:
if epsilon_state not in closure:
return closure
def nfa_to_dfa(nfa):
dfa_states = []
dfa_transitions = {}
dfa_accepts = []
# Initial state of DFA is the epsilon closure of the NFA's start state
start_state = epsilon_closure(nfa, [nfa.start])
# Create a stack to perform a breadth-first search
stack = [start_state]
while stack:
current_state = stack.pop()
for symbol in nfa.alphabet:
# Get the next state for the given symbol
next_states = set()
for state in current_state:
if symbol in nfa.transitions[state]:
# Compute the epsilon closure of the next state
next_state_closure = epsilon_closure(nfa, next_states)
if next_state_closure not in dfa_states:
# Update DFA transitions
dfa_transitions.setdefault(frozenset(current_state), {})[symbol] = next_state_closure
# Determine DFA's accept states
for state_set in dfa_states:
if any(state in nfa.accepts for state in state_set):
return DFA(dfa_states, nfa.alphabet, dfa_transitions, start_state, dfa_accepts)
class DFA:
def __init__(self, states, alphabet, transitions, start, accepts):
self.states = states
self.alphabet = alphabet
self.transitions = transitions
self.start = start
self.accepts = accepts
# Example of NFA
nfa = NFA(
states={'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'},
alphabet={'0', '1'},
'A': {'0': ['B', 'C'], 'epsilon': ['C']},
'B': {'1': ['D']},
'C': {'0': ['D']},
'D': {}
# Convert NFA to DFA
dfa = nfa_to_dfa(nfa)
# ... 上面的代码 ...
# Convert NFA to DFA
dfa = nfa_to_dfa(nfa)
# 打印DFA的状态
print("DFA States:")
for i, state in enumerate(dfa.states):
print(f"State {i}: {state}")
# 打印DFA的转换表
print("\nDFA Transitions:")
for state, transitions in dfa.transitions.items():
print(f"State {state}:")
for symbol, next_state in transitions.items():
print(f" On input '{symbol}': Go to state {next_state}")
# 打印DFA的接受状态
print("\nDFA Accept States:")
for state_set in dfa.accepts:
print(f"State {state_set}")
# 为了可读性,将状态集合转换为字符串
def set_to_string(state_set):
return ', '.join(str(state) for state in state_set)
# 打印美化后的DFA状态和接受状态
print("\nPretty Print of DFA States and Accept States:")
for i, state_set in enumerate(dfa.states):
state_str = set_to_string(state_set)
print(f"State {i}: {state_str}")
if state_set in dfa.accepts:
print(" (Accept State)")
# 打印美化后的DFA转换表
print("\nPretty Print of DFA Transitions:")
for state, transitions in dfa.transitions.items():
state_str = set_to_string(state)
print(f"State {state_str}:")
for symbol, next_state in transitions.items():
next_state_str = set_to_string(next_state)
print(f" On input '{symbol}': Go to state {next_state_str}")