Magic number = D9B4BEF9
Block size = 0000011D
SHA256 hash of the current block hash = 000000000019D6689C085AE165831E934FF763AE46A2A6C172B3F1B60A8CE26F
Version number = 00000001
SHA256 hash of the previous block hash = 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
MerkleRoot hash = 4A5E1E4BAAB89F3A32518A88C31BC87F618F76673E2CC77AB2127B7AFDEDA33B
Time stamp = 495FAB29
Difficulty = 1D00FFFF
Random number = 7C2BAC1D
Transactions count = 1
TX version number = 00000001
Inputs count = 01
TX from hash = 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
N output = FFFFFFFF
Input script = 04FFFF001D0104455468652054696D65732030332F4A616E2F32303039204368616E63656C6C6F72206F6E206272696E6B206F66207365636F6E64206261696C6F757420666F722062616E6B73
Sequence number = FFFFFFFF
Outputs count = 1
Value = 000000012A05F200
Output script = 4104678AFDB0FE5548271967F1A67130B7105CD6A828E03909A67962E0EA1F61DEB649F6BC3F4CEF38C4F35504E51EC112DE5C384DF7BA0B8D578A4C702B6BF11D5FAC
Lock time = 00000000
TX hash = 4A5E1E4BAAB89F3A32518A88C31BC87F618F76673E2CC77AB2127B7AFDEDA33B
Magic number = D9B4BEF9
Block size = 000000D7
SHA256 hash of the current block hash = 00000000839A8E6886AB5951D76F411475428AFC90947EE320161BBF18EB6048
Version number = 00000001
SHA256 hash of the previous block hash = 000000000019D6689C085AE165831E934FF763AE46A2A6C172B3F1B60A8CE26F
MerkleRoot hash = 0E3E2357E806B6CDB1F70B54C3A3A17B6714EE1F0E68BEBB44A74B1EFD512098
Time stamp = 4966BC61
Difficulty = 1D00FFFF
Random number = 9962E301
Transactions count = 1
TX version number = 00000001
Inputs count = 01
TX from hash = 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
N output = FFFFFFFF
Input script = 04FFFF001D0104
Sequence number = FFFFFFFF
Outputs count = 1
Value = 000000012A05F200
Output script = 410496B538E853519C726A2C91E61EC11600AE1390813A627C66FB8BE7947BE63C52DA7589379515D4E0A604F8141781E62294721166BF621E73A82CBF2342C858EEAC
Lock time = 00000000
TX hash = 0E3E2357E806B6CDB1F70B54C3A3A17B6714EE1F0E68BEBB44A74B1EFD512098
Magic number = D9B4BEF9
Block size = 000000D7
SHA256 hash of the current block hash = 000000006A625F06636B8BB6AC7B960A8D03705D1ACE08B1A19DA3FDCC99DDBD
Version number = 00000001
SHA256 hash of the previous block hash = 00000000839A8E6886AB5951D76F411475428AFC90947EE320161BBF18EB6048
MerkleRoot hash = 9B0FC92260312CE44E74EF369F5C66BBB85848F2EDDD5A7A1CDE251E54CCFDD5
Time stamp = 4966BCB0
Difficulty = 1D00FFFF
Random number = 61BDD208
Transactions count = 1
TX version number = 00000001
Inputs count = 01
TX from hash = 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
N output = FFFFFFFF
Input script = 04FFFF001D010B
Sequence number = FFFFFFFF
Outputs count = 1
Value = 000000012A05F200
Output script = 41047211A824F55B505228E4C3D5194C1FCFAA15A456ABDF37F9B9D97A4040AFC073DEE6C89064984F03385237D92167C13E236446B417AB79A0FCAE412AE3316B77AC
Lock time = 00000000
TX hash = 9B0FC92260312CE44E74EF369F5C66BBB85848F2EDDD5A7A1CDE251E54CCFDD5
Magic number = D9B4BEF9
Block size = 000000D7
SHA256 hash of the current block hash = 0000000082B5015589A3FDF2D4BAFF403E6F0BE035A5D9742C1CAE6295464449
Version number = 00000001
SHA256 hash of the previous block hash = 000000006A625F06636B8BB6AC7B960A8D03705D1ACE08B1A19DA3FDCC99DDBD
MerkleRoot hash = 999E1C837C76A1B7FBB7E57BAF87B309960F5FFEFBF2A9B95DD890602272F644
Time stamp = 4966BE5D
Difficulty = 1D00FFFF
Random number = 6DEDE005
Transactions count = 1
TX version number = 00000001
Inputs count = 01
TX from hash = 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
N output = FFFFFFFF
Input script = 04FFFF001D010E
Sequence number = FFFFFFFF
Outputs count = 1
Value = 000000012A05F200
Output script = 410494B9D3E76C5B1629ECF97FFF95D7A4BBDAC87CC26099ADA28066C6FF1EB9191223CD897194A08D0C2726C5747F1DB49E8CF90E75DC3E3550AE9B30086F3CD5AAAC
Lock time = 00000000
TX hash = 999E1C837C76A1B7FBB7E57BAF87B309960F5FFEFBF2A9B95DD890602272F644
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Blockchain parser
# Copyright (c) 2015-2023 Denis Leonov <>
import os
import datetime
import hashlib
def reverse(input):
L = len(input)
if (L % 2) != 0:
return None
Res = ''
L = L // 2
for i in range(L):
T = input[i*2] + input[i*2+1]
Res = T + Res
T = ''
return (Res);
def merkle_root(lst): #
sha256d = lambda x: hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(x).digest()).digest()
hash_pair = lambda x, y: sha256d(x[::-1] + y[::-1])[::-1]
if len(lst) == 1: return lst[0]
if len(lst) % 2 == 1:
return merkle_root([hash_pair(x,y) for x, y in zip(*[iter(lst)]*2)])
def read_bytes(file,n,byte_order = 'L'):
data =
if byte_order == 'L':
data = data[::-1]
data = data.hex().upper()
return data
def read_varint(file):
b =
bInt = int(b.hex(),16)
c = 0
data = ''
if bInt < 253:
c = 1
data = b.hex().upper()
if bInt == 253: c = 3
if bInt == 254: c = 5
if bInt == 255: c = 9
for j in range(1,c):
b =
b = b.hex().upper()
data = b + data
return data
dirA = './blocks/' # Directory where blk*.dat files are stored
#dirA = sys.argv[1]
dirB = './result/' # Directory where to save parsing results
#dirA = sys.argv[2]
fList = os.listdir(dirA)
fList = [x for x in fList if (x.endswith('.dat') and x.startswith('blk'))]
for i in fList:
nameSrc = i
nameRes = nameSrc.replace('.dat','.txt')
resList = []
a = 0
t = dirA + nameSrc
resList.append('Start ' + t + ' in ' + str(
print ('Start ' + t + ' in ' + str(
f = open(t,'rb')
tmpHex = ''
fSize = os.path.getsize(t)
while f.tell() != fSize:
tmpHex = read_bytes(f,4)
resList.append('Magic number = ' + tmpHex)
tmpHex = read_bytes(f,4)
resList.append('Block size = ' + tmpHex)
tmpPos3 = f.tell()
tmpHex = read_bytes(f,80,'B')
tmpHex = bytes.fromhex(tmpHex)
tmpHex ='sha256', tmpHex).digest()
tmpHex ='sha256', tmpHex).digest()
tmpHex = tmpHex[::-1]
tmpHex = tmpHex.hex().upper()
resList.append('SHA256 hash of the current block hash = ' + tmpHex),0)
tmpHex = read_bytes(f,4)
resList.append('Version number = ' + tmpHex)
tmpHex = read_bytes(f,32)
resList.append('SHA256 hash of the previous block hash = ' + tmpHex)
tmpHex = read_bytes(f,32)
resList.append('MerkleRoot hash = ' + tmpHex)
MerkleRoot = tmpHex
tmpHex = read_bytes(f,4)
resList.append('Time stamp = ' + tmpHex)
tmpHex = read_bytes(f,4)
resList.append('Difficulty = ' + tmpHex)
tmpHex = read_bytes(f,4)
resList.append('Random number = ' + tmpHex)
tmpHex = read_varint(f)
txCount = int(tmpHex,16)
resList.append('Transactions count = ' + str(txCount))
tmpHex = ''; RawTX = ''; tx_hashes = []
for k in range(txCount):
tmpHex = read_bytes(f,4)
resList.append('TX version number = ' + tmpHex)
RawTX = reverse(tmpHex)
tmpHex = ''
Witness = False
b =
tmpB = b.hex().upper()
bInt = int(b.hex(),16)
if bInt == 0:
tmpB = '',1)
c = 0
c =
bInt = int(c.hex(),16)
tmpB = c.hex().upper()
Witness = True
c = 0
if bInt < 253:
c = 1
tmpHex = hex(bInt)[2:].upper().zfill(2)
tmpB = ''
if bInt == 253: c = 3
if bInt == 254: c = 5
if bInt == 255: c = 9
for j in range(1,c):
b =
b = b.hex().upper()
tmpHex = b + tmpHex
inCount = int(tmpHex,16)
resList.append('Inputs count = ' + tmpHex)
tmpHex = tmpHex + tmpB
RawTX = RawTX + reverse(tmpHex)
for m in range(inCount):
tmpHex = read_bytes(f,32)
resList.append('TX from hash = ' + tmpHex)
RawTX = RawTX + reverse(tmpHex)
tmpHex = read_bytes(f,4)
resList.append('N output = ' + tmpHex)
RawTX = RawTX + reverse(tmpHex)
tmpHex = ''
b =
tmpB = b.hex().upper()
bInt = int(b.hex(),16)
c = 0
if bInt < 253:
c = 1
tmpHex = b.hex().upper()
tmpB = ''
if bInt == 253: c = 3
if bInt == 254: c = 5
if bInt == 255: c = 9
for j in range(1,c):
b =
b = b.hex().upper()
tmpHex = b + tmpHex
scriptLength = int(tmpHex,16)
tmpHex = tmpHex + tmpB
RawTX = RawTX + reverse(tmpHex)
tmpHex = read_bytes(f,scriptLength,'B')
resList.append('Input script = ' + tmpHex)
RawTX = RawTX + tmpHex
tmpHex = read_bytes(f,4,'B')
resList.append('Sequence number = ' + tmpHex)
RawTX = RawTX + tmpHex
tmpHex = ''
b =
tmpB = b.hex().upper()
bInt = int(b.hex(),16)
c = 0
if bInt < 253:
c = 1
tmpHex = b.hex().upper()
tmpB = ''
if bInt == 253: c = 3
if bInt == 254: c = 5
if bInt == 255: c = 9
for j in range(1,c):
b =
b = b.hex().upper()
tmpHex = b + tmpHex
outputCount = int(tmpHex,16)
tmpHex = tmpHex + tmpB
resList.append('Outputs count = ' + str(outputCount))
RawTX = RawTX + reverse(tmpHex)
for m in range(outputCount):
tmpHex = read_bytes(f,8)
Value = tmpHex
RawTX = RawTX + reverse(tmpHex)
tmpHex = ''
b =
tmpB = b.hex().upper()
bInt = int(b.hex(),16)
c = 0
if bInt < 253:
c = 1
tmpHex = b.hex().upper()
tmpB = ''
if bInt == 253: c = 3
if bInt == 254: c = 5
if bInt == 255: c = 9
for j in range(1,c):
b =
b = b.hex().upper()
tmpHex = b + tmpHex
scriptLength = int(tmpHex,16)
tmpHex = tmpHex + tmpB
RawTX = RawTX + reverse(tmpHex)
tmpHex = read_bytes(f,scriptLength,'B')
resList.append('Value = ' + Value)
resList.append('Output script = ' + tmpHex)
RawTX = RawTX + tmpHex
tmpHex = ''
if Witness == True:
for m in range(inCount):
tmpHex = read_varint(f)
WitnessLength = int(tmpHex,16)
for j in range(WitnessLength):
tmpHex = read_varint(f)
WitnessItemLength = int(tmpHex,16)
tmpHex = read_bytes(f,WitnessItemLength)
resList.append('Witness ' + str(m) + ' ' + str(j) + ' ' + str(WitnessItemLength) + ' ' + tmpHex)
tmpHex = ''
Witness = False
tmpHex = read_bytes(f,4)
resList.append('Lock time = ' + tmpHex)
RawTX = RawTX + reverse(tmpHex)
tmpHex = RawTX
tmpHex = bytes.fromhex(tmpHex)
tmpHex ='sha256', tmpHex).digest()
tmpHex ='sha256', tmpHex).digest()
tmpHex = tmpHex[::-1]
tmpHex = tmpHex.hex().upper()
resList.append('TX hash = ' + tmpHex)
resList.append(''); tmpHex = ''; RawTX = ''
a += 1
tx_hashes = [bytes.fromhex(h) for h in tx_hashes]
tmpHex = merkle_root(tx_hashes).hex().upper()
if tmpHex != MerkleRoot:
print ('Merkle roots does not match! >',MerkleRoot,tmpHex)
f = open(dirB + nameRes,'w')
for j in resList:
f.write(j + '\n')