Single Source Shortest Distance (Bellman Ford with Queue Optimization)
class Solution {
int shortestDistance(vector<vector<int>>& maze, vector<int>& start, vector<int>& destination) {
const int R = std::size(maze);
const int C = std::size(maze[0]);
const int dr[4] = {1, -1, 0, 0};
const int dc[4] = {0, 0, 1, -1};
struct state_t {
mutable std::deque<std::pair<int, int>> Q;
mutable std::optional<int> D[100][100];
const auto ST = [&](state_t self = {}) {
self.Q.emplace_back(start[0], start[1]);
self.D[start[0]][start[1]] = 0;
return self;
auto inbound = [&](int r, int c) {
return 0 <= r and r < R and 0 <= c and c < C;
std::function<std::tuple<int, int, int>(int, int, int, int)> walk = [&](int r, int c, int i, int step) {
if (not inbound(r + dr[i], c + dc[i]) or maze[r + dr[i]][c + dc[i]] == 1) {
return std::tuple{r, c, step};
else {
return walk(r + dr[i], c + dc[i], i, step + 1);
std::function<void(void)> bfs = [&]() {
if (std::empty(ST.Q)) {
else {
const auto [r, c] = ST.Q.front();
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
const auto [nr, nc, w] = walk(r, c, i, 0);
if (ST.D[r][c].value() + w < ST.D[nr][nc].value_or(INT_MAX)) {
ST.D[nr][nc] = ST.D[r][c].value() + w;
ST.Q.emplace_back(nr, nc);
return bfs(), ST.D[destination[0]][destination[1]].value_or(-1);