这不是我们 [SCOI2014] 方伯伯的 OJ 的梗吗?
几乎就是双倍经验,用一个 Treap 维护每一个连续值域段代表什么,然后树的中序遍历即为这些连续段的前后位置。同时再用一个 map
记录每个连续段的左端点对应 Treap 当中的哪个节点,插入和修改的时候同理修改映射即可。
AcWing 卡常,但是直接开火车头可过。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <chrono>
#include <random>
#include <array>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
typedef long long i64;
std::mt19937_64 rng(std::chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> gen_pri(1, 1145141919);
inline i64 rd()
i64 k = 0, f = 1;
char c = getchar();
while (c < '0' || c > '9') f = (c == '-') ? 0 : f, c = getchar();
while (c >= '0' && c <= '9') k = (k << 1) + (k << 3) + (c ^ '0'), c = getchar();
return f ? k : -k;
inline char rd_op()
char c = getchar();
while (c < 'A' || c > 'Z') c = getchar();
return c;
inline void wr(int x)
if (x < 0) x = -x, putchar('-');
if (x > 9) wr(x / 10);
putchar((x % 10) ^ '0');
int n, m;
int op, x, last_ans;
inline int len(const std::pair<int, int>& in) { return in.second - in.first + 1; }
// first = interval.l second = node-id in treap
std::map<int, int> mp;
namespace treap // save interval
const int N = 200010;
struct node
std::pair<int, int> val; // interval
int lc, rc, fa, pri, sz;
} tr[N];
int cnt, rt;
int rec[N], top; // update mp here.
inline void recycle(int u) { mp.erase(mp.find(tr[u].val.first)), rec[++top] = u; }
inline void recycle_full(int u)
if (!u) return;
recycle_full(tr[u].lc), recycle_full(tr[u].rc), recycle(u);
inline void clr() { recycle_full(rt), rt = 0; }
// debug
void print(int u)
if (!u) return;
printf("node %d : (%d %d) sz %d lc %d rc %d\n", u, tr[u].val.first, tr[u].val.second, tr[u].sz, tr[u].lc, tr[u].rc);
void print_all()
puts("treap : ");
print(rt), putchar('\n');
printf("mp : ");
for (auto& x : mp) printf("(%d %d) ", x.first, x.second);
inline void pushup(int u)
tr[tr[u].lc].fa = tr[tr[u].rc].fa = u;
tr[u].sz = tr[tr[u].lc].sz + tr[tr[u].rc].sz + len(tr[u].val);
inline int newnode(const std::pair<int, int>& v)
int ret = top ? rec[top--] : ++cnt; // update mp here.
return tr[ret] = {v, 0, 0, 0, gen_pri(rng), len(v)}, mp[v.first] = ret, ret;
inline int merge(int u, int v)
if (!u || !v) return u | v;
if (tr[u].pri < tr[v].pri) return tr[u].rc = merge(tr[u].rc, v), pushup(u), u;
else return tr[v].lc = merge(u, tr[v].lc), pushup(v), v;
inline std::array<int, 2> split_pos(int u, int pos)
std::array<int, 2> tmp = {0, 0};
if (!u) return tmp;
if (tr[tr[u].lc].sz >= pos)
tmp = split_pos(tr[u].lc, pos), tr[u].lc = tmp[1], tr[tmp[1]].fa = u, pushup(u);
return {tmp[0], u};
tmp = split_pos(tr[u].rc, pos - tr[tr[u].lc].sz - len(tr[u].val));
tr[u].rc = tmp[0], tr[tmp[0]].fa = u, pushup(u);
return {u, tmp[1]};
// after insert val, val at pos.
inline void insert(int pos, const std::pair<int, int>& val)
std::array<int, 2> tmp = split_pos(rt, pos - 1);
int u = newnode(val);
rt = merge(merge(tmp[0], u), tmp[1]);
inline void remove(const std::pair<int, int>& pos)
std::array<int, 2> tmp = split_pos(rt, pos.second);
std::array<int, 2> sub = split_pos(tmp[0], pos.first - 1);
rt = merge(sub[0], tmp[1]), recycle_full(sub[1]);
inline int kth(int u, int pos)
if (pos <= tr[tr[u].lc].sz) return kth(tr[u].lc, pos);
pos -= tr[tr[u].lc].sz;
if (pos <= len(tr[u].val)) return tr[u].val.first + pos - 1;
else return kth(tr[u].rc, pos - len(tr[u].val));
// get counter that position <= node-id u (real pos of tr[u].val.second)
inline int get_sum(int u)
int ret = tr[u].sz - tr[tr[u].rc].sz;
if (u == rt) return ret;
while (u ^ rt)
int f = tr[u].fa;
if (!f) break;
if (u == tr[f].rc) ret += tr[f].sz - tr[u].sz;
u = f;
return ret;
inline void init() { treap::insert(1, std::make_pair(1, n)); }
inline void make_top(int x)
int l = (--mp.lower_bound(x + 1))->first, id = mp[l];
int r = treap::tr[id].val.second;
int pos = treap::get_sum(id) - (r - x); // query finish
treap::remove(std::make_pair(pos - x + l, pos - x + r));
if (x > l) treap::insert(pos - x + l, std::make_pair(l, x - 1));
if (x < r) treap::insert(pos, std::make_pair(x + 1, r));
treap::insert(1, std::make_pair(x, x));
inline int find_pos_by_num(int x)
int l = (--mp.lower_bound(x + 1))->first, id = mp[l];
int r = treap::tr[id].val.second;
return treap::get_sum(id) - (r - x); // query finish
inline int find_num_by_pos(int x) { return treap::kth(treap::rt, x); }
inline void solve(int t)
printf("Case %d:\n", t);
n = rd(), m = rd(), init();
while (m--)
op = rd_op(), x = rd();
switch (op)
case 'T': make_top(x); break;
case 'Q': wr(find_pos_by_num(x)), putchar('\n'); break;
case 'R': wr(find_num_by_pos(x)), putchar('\n'); break;
int main()
int T = rd();
for (int t = 1; t <= T; ++t) treap::clr(), solve(t);