Algorithm (Double Binary Search)
- Compute $I = \inf\{x\in\mathbb{R}: f(x) > K\}$, where $f(x)$ is the number of all possible fractions generated by $A$ that are less than $x$. It’s easy to see that $f$ is a monotonically non-decresing function on $\mathbb{R}$.
- The desired answer is $\sup_{(p, q)\in A \times A}\{p / q: p / q < I\}$
- Note that (1) could be solved using binary search because $f$ is monotone.
- Note that (2) could be solved using binary search because $A$ is sorted. It could also be solved using a two pointer approach, although it is not straightforward to see at first glance. We settle for binary search.
Time Complexity
- A single evaluation of $f$ would cost $O(N\log N)$. The search range for (1) is $(0, 1]$. In order to reach the terminating condition for binary search, at least a total of $\frac{\log \epsilon^{-1}}{\log 2}$ searchs are required, where $\epsilon$ is the seach precision which we take to be $10^{-9}$. In total, step(1) is $O\left\(\frac{\log \epsilon^{-1}}{\log 2}\cdot N\log N\right\)$.
- Step (2) would require $O(N\log N)$ since we need to traverse through $A$ and find for each $A[i]$ the desired sub-supremum which we accumulate over max-monoid to get the final answer.
- $O(1)$ since we didn’t allocate any new space that is proportional to the input size.
- Recursive calls are not counted since they can be optimized into loops by the compiler on most occassions.
template <class F>
struct recursive {
F f;
template <class... Ts>
decltype(auto) operator()(Ts&&... ts) const { return f(std::ref(*this), std::forward<Ts>(ts)...); }
template <class... Ts>
decltype(auto) operator()(Ts&&... ts) { return f(std::ref(*this), std::forward<Ts>(ts)...); }
template <class F> recursive(F) -> recursive<F>;
auto const rec = [](auto f){ return recursive{std::move(f)}; };
class Solution {
vector<int> kthSmallestPrimeFraction(vector<int>& A, int K) {
const int n = size(A);
const double eps = 1e-9;
auto outer_binary_search = [&](double lo, double hi, int target, auto f) {
optional<double> result;
auto search = rec([&](auto&& search, double lo, double hi) -> void {
const double mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2;
if (std::abs(lo - hi) < eps) return;
else if (f(mid) <= target) search(mid, hi);
else if (f(mid) > target) (result = mid, search(lo, mid));
return (search(lo, hi), result);
auto inner_binary_search = [&](int lo, int hi, double target, auto g) {
optional<int> result;
auto search = rec([&](auto&& search, int lo, int hi) -> void {
const int mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2;
if (lo > hi) return;
else if (g(mid) < target) (result = mid, search(mid + 1, hi));
else if (g(mid) >= target) search(lo, mid - 1);
return (search(lo, hi), result);
auto eval_frac = [](const double num, const double denom) { return num / denom; };
auto f = [&](double x, int acc = 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
acc += inner_binary_search(0, n - 1, x, [&](auto j) { return eval_frac(A[j], A[i]); }).value_or(-1) + 1;
return acc;
auto solution = [&](vector<int> acc = {INT_MIN, 1}) -> vector<int> {
const auto upper_limit = outer_binary_search(0, 1+eps, K, f);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (const auto match = inner_binary_search(0, n - 1, upper_limit.value() - eps,
[&](auto x) { return eval_frac(A[x], A[i]); });
match and eval_frac(acc[0], acc[1]) < eval_frac(A[match.value()], A[i]))
acc = {A[match.value()], A[i]};
return acc;
return solution;