We could translate the problem into
\max\ \ & \sum_{j=1}^{k}P_{i_{j}}\\
\text{subject to}\ \ & P_{i_{j}}\geq W_{i_{j}}\text{ and }\frac{P_{i_{j}}}{P_{i_{k}}}=\frac{Q_{i_{j}}}{Q_{i_{k}}}\text{ for all }(j,k),
where $i_{j}$ denotes the subsequence indices and $P_{i_{j}}$ denotes the actual payments to worker $i$. First, we note that for any optimal solution set $\mathrm{OPT=}\{P_{i_{1}},…,P_{i_{k}}\},$ there exists at least one $P_{i_{j}}\in\mathrm{OPT}$ such that $P_{i_{j}}=W_{i_{j}},$ because otherwise we can exchange $P_{i_{j}}$ with $W_{i_{j}}$ and recompute the whole set and achieve a better result.
On the other hand, notice that we can rewrite our objective as $$\sum_{j=1}^{k}P_{i_{j}}=\sum_{j=1}^{k}\frac{P_{i_{j}}}{Q_{i_{j}}}Q_{i_{j}}.$$ This suggests that we can compute all $\frac{W_{i}}{Q_{i}}$’s and hope to search for an efficient algorithm using the order of $\frac{W_{i}}{Q_{i}}$’s we just computed.
Lemma 1. Suppose we pay worker $i$ the minimum wage $W_{i}$, then within the contraint for all worker $j$ with $\frac{W_{j}}{Q_{j}}>\frac{W_{i}}{Q_{i}}$, the actualy payment will be less than the minimum wage, i.e. $P_{j}<W_{j}.$
Proof. Note that by the constraint, we have $$\frac{P_{i}}{P_{j}}=\frac{Q_{i}}{Q_{j}}\implies P_{j}=P_{i}\cdot\frac{Q_{j}}{Q_{i}}=\frac{W_{i}}{Q_{i}}\cdot\frac{Q_{j}}{W_{j}}\cdot W_{j}=\frac{W_{i}/Q_{i}}{W_{j}/Q_{j}}\cdot W_{j}<W_{j},$$ and we are done.
An easy corollary of the previous lemma is the following:
Corollary 1. Suppose we pay worker $i$ the minimum wage $W_{i}$, then within the constraint for all worker $j$ with $W_{j}/Q_{j}\leq W_{i}/Q_{i}$, the actual payment will be higher than the minimum wage, i.e. $P_{j}>W_{j}.$
So the algorithm is then clear:
For each worker $i,$ compute $W_{i}/Q_{i}$ and find $K-1$ workers whose $W/Q$ does not exceed $W_{i}/Q_{i}$ and calculate the actual payout. The final answer is the minimum of all candidates.
To speed up, we can greedily select the $K-1$ workers whose $Q$ value is as low as possible. This is because the final payout of worker $j\neq i$ is $P_{j}=\frac{W_{i}}{Q_{i}}Q_{j}.$ Thus, minimizing $Q_{j}$ will minimize $P_{j}$.
To achive (2), we can use a priority queue to keep track of the lowest $Q_{j}.$ We specialize this queue to a new type
. This structure supports- Maintain $k$ lowest value of in an linear input stream.
- Query the fold of $k$(upto) lowest values over a group structure.
template <typename T> struct addition_group {
typedef T value_type;
value_type unit() const { return T{0}; }
value_type mult(value_type a, value_type b) const { return a + b; }
value_type inv(value_type a) const { return T{-1} * a; }
template <class value_type, typename Group = std::tuple<>, class Compare = std::less<value_type>>
class bounded_priority_queue {
template <typename> struct is_tuple: std::false_type {};
template <typename ...T> struct is_tuple<std::tuple<T...>>: std::true_type {};
static constexpr auto group_ = Group{};
static constexpr auto has_group_structure_ = not is_tuple<Group>::value;
std::priority_queue<value_type, std::vector<value_type>, Compare> pq_;
std::size_t capacity_;
value_type acc_pq_;
bounded_priority_queue(std::size_t n) : pq_{}, acc_pq_{}, capacity_{n} {}
bounded_priority_queue(std::size_t n, Compare comp) : pq_(comp), acc_pq_{}, capacity_{n} {}
std::size_t size() const { return pq_.size(); }
std::size_t capacity() const { return capacity_; }
/* @ O(\log N) */
void push(value_type item) {
if constexpr (has_group_structure_) acc_pq_ = group_.mult(acc_pq_, item);
if (std::size(pq_) == capacity_ + 1) {
if constexpr (has_group_structure_) acc_pq_ = group_.mult(acc_pq_, group_.inv(;
/* @ O(1) */
void pop() { pq_.pop(); };
/* @ O(1) */
value_type top() const { return; }
/* @ O(1) */
value_type reduce() const {
if constexpr (has_group_structure_)
return acc_pq_;
throw std::domain_error("does not have group structure");
class Solution {
double mincostToHireWorkers(vector<int>& quality, vector<int>& wage, int K) {
const auto n = size(quality);
struct worker_t {
double Q;
double W;
const auto sorted_workers = [&](vector<worker_t> self = {}) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
self.emplace_back(worker_t{quality[i], wage[i]});
std::sort(begin(self), end(self), [&](auto & x, auto &y) {
return (x.W / x.Q) < (y.W / y.Q);
return self;
const auto solution = [&](double acc = INT_MAX) {
auto Q = bounded_priority_queue<double, addition_group<double>>(K);
for (const auto [q, w] : sorted_workers) {
if (size(Q) == K)
acc = std::min(acc, w / q * Q.reduce());
return acc;
return solution;