Algorithm (Convex Hull)
- This is a model problem for finding convex hull. We will use the classcial Graham Scan algorithm.
- Let’s denote the input points by P. The Graham Scan Algorithm could be described as follows:
- Construct a record type
of the following three states:
- A partition P of two sets, pinit and Pother=P−pinit where pinit is the most buttom left point of P.
- A stack of points, which we denote as STACK.
- For initial state, we have STACK={pinit,Pother[0]} and that Pother are sorted by polar angles with pinit.
- For every points in Pother[1:end], we add push it to STACK and maintain the following invariant: at any moment, all points in STACK are on the boundary of the convex hull of P. To do so, we could use cross product to check if any points in STACK lies inside the convex hull. For more details on cross product, please consult any entry level linear algebra textbook.
Code (Cpp17)
class Solution {
vector<vector<int>> outerTrees(vector<vector<int>>& points) {
static constexpr double PI = std::atan(1) * 4;
static constexpr double EPS = 1e-8;
using point_t = std::vector<int>;
struct point_info_t {
point_t point;
double angle;
double distance;
struct state_t {
mutable point_t initial_point;
mutable std::vector<point_info_t> other_points;
mutable std::deque<point_t> DQ;
auto dist = [&](const point_t& p1, const point_t& p2) {
const auto dx = p1[0] - p2[0];
const auto dy = p1[1] - p2[1];
return dx * dx + dy * dy;
auto polar_angle = [&](const point_t& p1, const point_t& p2) {
const auto ans = 180.0 * (std::atan((double(p1[1]) - double(p2[1])) / (double(p1[0]) - double(p2[0])))) / PI;
return ans >= 0 ? ans : 180 + ans;
auto cross_product = [&](const auto& v1, const auto& v2) {
const auto [v1_p1, v1_p2] = v1;
const auto [v2_p1, v2_p2] = v2;
const auto [x1, y1] = pair(v1_p1[0] - v1_p2[0], v1_p1[1] - v1_p2[1]);
const auto [x2, y2] = pair(v2_p1[0] - v2_p2[0], v2_p1[1] - v2_p2[1]);
return x1 * y2 - x2 * y1;
auto ccw = [&](const point_t& p1, const point_t& p2, const point_t& p3) {
return cross_product(std::pair(p2, p3), std::pair(p1, p3)) >= 0;
auto ensure_state_invariant = [&](state_t* state) {
auto& [initial_point, other_points, DQ] = *state;
while (std::size(DQ) >= 3 and not ccw(DQ[0], DQ[1], DQ[2])) {
auto x = DQ.front(); DQ.pop_front();
auto y = DQ.front(); DQ.pop_front();
auto prepare_initial_state = [&, points]() mutable {
std::sort(std::begin(points), std::end(points), [&](const auto& x, const auto& y) {
if (x[1] == y[1])
return x[0] < y[0];
return x[1] < y[1];
const auto initial_point = point_t{points.front()[0], points.front()[1]};
const auto other_points = [&](std::vector<point_info_t> self = {}) {
std::transform(std::begin(points) + 1, std::end(points), std::back_inserter(self), [&](const auto& x) {
return point_info_t{x, polar_angle(x, initial_point), dist(x, initial_point)};
if (std::size(self) < 1)
return self;
else {
const auto min_angle = (*min_element(std::begin(self), std::end(self), [&](const auto &x, const auto &y) {
return x.angle < y.angle;
std::sort(std::begin(self), std::end(self), [&](const auto& x, const auto& y) {
if (std::abs(x.angle - y.angle) < EPS) {
if (std::abs(min_angle - 90) < EPS and std::max(std::abs(x.angle - 90.0), std::abs(y.angle - 90.0)) < EPS)
return x.distance < y.distance;
else if (std::min(x.angle, y.angle) >= 90 - EPS)
return x.distance > y.distance;
return x.distance < y.distance;
return x.angle < y.angle;
return self;
const auto DQ = [&](std::deque<point_t> self = {}) {
if (std::size(other_points) > 0)
return self;
return state_t{initial_point, other_points, DQ};
const auto solution = [&](std::vector<point_t> self = {}) {
auto state = prepare_initial_state();
for (int i = 1; i < std::size(state.other_points); ++i) {
return std::vector<point_t>(std::begin(state.DQ), std::end(state.DQ));
return solution;